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Article: 8 reasons why solar is an investment for the future

8 raisons pour lesquelles le solaire est un investissement d’avenir - Oscaro Power

8 reasons why solar is an investment for the future

With the state of the world and inflation in mind, many are wondering what the good investments to invest their money. Is solar energy a good investment? 💰 What are the inflation trends? Where are interest rates going? Although you are the only one who decides what is good for your family , Everything indicates that this is the right time to invest in solar energy!
In this article, we wanted to give you an overview of the solar energy landscape. today, of its evolution and the reasons why the transition to this clean energy is a wise investment this year.☀️

1. Energy prices are constantly increasing

energy prices
While inflation continues to increase in all areas: gas, food and retail, a sector in particular is increasing considerably: that of electricity . Electricity prices have increased by 50% over the last ten years 📈 . In February 2023, we again experienced a massive increase in 15% . Unfortunately for our finances, this increase will not stop there. Indeed, without a tariff shield applied by the state, your electricity bill would have increased by 35% of the February 2022 and would have doubled in 2023.
Switching to solar energy offers a protection against rising energy costs , by reducing your monthly energy bills and giving you greater energy independence from market volatility.

2. Increasing demand for solar panels

The demand for solar panels is increasing in all countries . But what does this mean for consumers? sector growth This is accompanied by an increase in demand for the equipment and personnel needed for manufacturing. The positive aspect is that this growth is creating jobs in the solar industry.
However, this high demand leads to longer waiting times for the consumer. In the coming years, we could be faced with a gap between the staff available for the production of solar equipment and an ever-increasing demand from the general public. In order not to suffer this shortage, it is necessary to anticipate the demand curve and quickly opt for solar energy.☀️

3. The price of solar panels is decreasing

energy price increase

Over the years, the solar industry has experienced remarkable growth and significant reduction in costs . This technological development has made photovoltaic energy more accessible to consumers, particularly for self-installation systems . Solar panel prices have fallen significantly, largely due to increased mass production, of greater efficiency solar cells and increased competition in the market.
Today, solar panels are much more affordable than they were 10 years ago, offering a cost-effective solution for owners who wish reduce their energy bill and help combat the energy crisis. Solar energy is now fully affordable for individuals and businesses, paving the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.
At Oscaro Power , our number 1 goal is to make solar accessible to all. For example, a complete solar kit of 8 panels costs on average 4350€ at Oscaro Power! To find out more and customize your solar kit according to your needs, it's here, and it only takes a few minutes!

4. Possibility of reselling your surplus electricity

Invest in a kit Self-installation solar can offer the possibility of sell your surplus electricity . By installing solar panels on your roof, you can produce green electricity for your own consumption. You will probably produce more energy than you consume. This surplus electricity can then be sold back to your energy supplier.
Selling surplus electricity can provide an opportunity to benefit from additional income while contributing to the transition to more sustainable and renewable energy sources. At Oscaro Power, we offer the together for the sale of surplus from your installation. Currently, thanks to this offer, you have the possibility of selling your surplus electricity to 17.21 cts/kWh since January 1, 2023!

5. Increases the resale value of your home

housing value

Installing solar panels on your place of residence considerably increases the value of your property and allows a return on investment important in the case of a sale.
According to a study conducted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, adding solar panels can increase the resale value of a home by 3-4% on average 🏠. This can be a significant amount of money, especially for homes in areas with the highest energy costs. In By investing in solar panels, homeowners not only save money on their electricity bill, but also increase also increase the value of their property. Installing a solar system can add value to your home or business by making it more attractive to potential buyers looking for eco-friendly buildings.

6. Invest in a physical asset

THE Solar panels are a valuable investment safe physical asset , especially when the market is vo latil. When considering different types of investments, a physical asset is less risky when the economy is in turmoil. solar kits Oscaro Power benefits from guarantees ranging from 25 to 40 years on average across the entire system (not just the panels), so your property is protected in the event of an unforeseen event.
Solar energy provides a steady return and does not add to the stress of economic uncertainty . Long Lifespan > Solar systems have a lifespan of 25 years or more, which means your investment will last a long time.

7. Reducing your carbon footprint and investing smartly for future generations

solar kit investment

It goes without saying that investing in the alternative energies has significant implications for your carbon footprint. Solar energy produces electricity without emitting carbon dioxide or methane into the atmosphere.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by the atmosphere and remains there for decades while radiating heat back to the earth, warming the planet. The burning of natural gas and oil releases huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere.
Solar energy sources do not require methane to be used or transmitted. Therefore, the more you use solar energy, the less natural gas and oil you consume and the less methane you emit. By opting for solar energy, you are helping our planet. 🌎
By offsetting your energy consumption with a By transitioning to renewable energy , you are investing in a better world for those who will come after you – your children and their generations.

8. Protection against a current and future global energy crisis

Recent world events, including the covid crisis and the war in Ukraine, have taught us that it is high time to diversify our sources of energy supply . It is necessary to regain national sovereignty in our production and consumption of electricity. Investing in solar energy , a electricity produced at home , helps protect against the vagaries of a future energy crisis.

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