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Article: Self-production vs Self-consumption: What is the Difference? 🤔

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Self-production vs Self-consumption: What is the Difference? 🤔

With the rise of renewable energy and DIY solar kits , it is essential to understand the concepts of self-production and self-consumption . These terms, while similar, refer to distinct practices in the use of solar energy. In this article, we will define these concepts, explore their differences, and explain why they are crucial for solar panel owners. 🌞

What is Self-Production of Solar Energy? ⚡


Self-production refers to the production of electricity by an individual or a company using solar panels . This electricity can be used directly, stored in batteries or injected into the public electricity grid. By installing solar panels on your roof, you capture solar energy and convert it into electricity. This allows you to reduce your dependence on traditional energy suppliers.
The self-consumption rate corresponds to the share of solar electricity production that is consumed on site . -> If my self-consumption rate is 60%, this means that I have consumed 60% of the electricity that I have produced over the entire year.
Self-production also allows you to actively participate in the energy transition by using a clean and renewable energy source. In addition, any unconsumed energy can be sold to the public grid, thus generating additional income. This sale of excess energy is often facilitated by guaranteed purchasing arrangements, which ensures profitability in the long term. 💸

What is Self-Consumption of Solar Energy? 🏡

Self-consumption refers to using the electricity produced by your solar panels for your own needs . Rather than selling the electricity to the grid, you use it directly in your home. This approach helps reduce your energy bills because you consume the electricity you produce.
The self-production rate corresponds to the part of my electricity consumption that I managed to produce on site. Self-production actually expresses the reduction in bill.
-> If my self-production rate is 45%, this means that 45% of the electricity I consumed was produced by my installation.
Self-consumption maximises the use of locally produced energy, which can be more efficient than feeding this energy into the grid. You can also store excess energy in batteries for later use, for example at night. This offers increased energy independence, especially in areas where the electricity supply can be erratic. 🌙

Key Differences Between Self-Production and Self-Consumption 🔍


The main difference between self-production and self-consumption lies in the destination of the energy produced. With self-production, the energy can be consumed locally or fed into the grid. On the other hand, self-consumption focuses on using this energy for personal needs.
Therefore, you understand that with a very small solar system and a large consumption, we can have 100% self-consumption, but only 5% self-production.

Financial Aspect

Financially, self-production offers the possibility of generating income by selling excess energy, while self-consumption mainly aims to reduce costs by consuming one's own energy. Owners of self-consumption systems can also benefit from preferential purchase tariffs for the electricity they do not consume and inject into the grid.

Technology and Equipment

In terms of technology and equipment, self-production may require specific devices for injection into the grid, such as adapted inverters. On the other hand, self-consumption can be combined with energy storage systems to maximize the use of the energy produced. Recent technological advances in home batteries make this option increasingly viable and attractive to consumers. ⚙️

Efficiency and Profitability

Self-production allows long-term profitability through the sale of excess energy. However, this profitability depends on guaranteed purchase tariffs and current energy policies. On the other hand, self-consumption offers an immediate reduction in electricity bills and increased energy independence, which can be particularly advantageous in areas where the cost of electricity is high, but also unstable.

Why Choose a DIY Solar Kit for Self-Production and Self-Consumption? 🛠️

Solar kit

Oscaro Power DIY (Do It Yourself) solar kits offer a flexible and cost-effective solution for individuals looking to get started with solar energy. These kits are less expensive than professional installations and allow for customization to your specific energy needs. Building your own solar system can be a rewarding and educational experience, offering you personal satisfaction in addition to the financial and environmental benefits. 🌍
With a DIY solar kit, you can choose to maximize your self-consumption to reduce your energy bills or opt for self-production to generate additional income by selling excess energy. In addition, Oscaro Power DIY solar kits are designed to be easy to install, with customer support to guide you every step of the way. Whatever your choice, Oscaro Power DIY solar kits give you the flexibility and efficiency to achieve your energy goals. 🌟

How to Optimize Your Solar Installation? 🔧

To optimize your solar installation, it is important to take several factors into account. First of all, the orientation and tilt of your solar panels play a crucial role in their efficiency. A southern orientation with an optimal tilt allows you to capture the maximum amount of solar energy. In addition, the quality of components, such as inverters and batteries, can have a significant impact on the performance of your system.

Case Studies: Successes in Self-Production and Self-Consumption 📊

To illustrate the benefits of self-production and self-consumption, here are some real case studies.
Christophe, owner in Brittany : Christophe installed a DIY solar kit and opted for self-production. By selling the excess energy, he not only covered his electricity needs, but also generated an additional annual income of 800 euros. 💵
Solar installation
Marie, resident in Provence : Marie chose self-consumption to maximize the use of solar energy in her home. She reduced her electricity bills by 70% and uses batteries to store energy, ensuring energy independence even during power outages. 🔋
Understanding the difference between self-production and self-consumption is essential to optimize the use of solar energy. Whether you choose to sell your excess energy or maximize your self-consumption, Oscaro Power's DIY solar kits offer you the tools and support you need to succeed in your energy transition. To learn more about our DIY solar kits, configure them according to your needs directly on

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