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Article: How much does 100 m² of solar panels generate?

100m2 panneau solaire

How much does 100 m² of solar panels generate?

Getting started with solar energy is a worthwhile investment, but how much do 100 m² of solar panels actually yield? In this article, we will take a detailed look at the efficiency and profitability of such a photovoltaic solar installation.

What do 100 m² of solar panels represent?

A surface area of ​​100 m² of photovoltaic solar panels corresponds to a medium-sized installation , suitable for a large household or a small business. Depending on the power of the modules chosen, this surface area can accommodate a solar installation with a peak power of approximately 10 to 15 kWp (kilowatt-peak).

To give you an idea, 100 m² of solar panels can cover the roof of a single-family home or a small building . This is a sufficient surface area to produce a significant amount of renewable electricity and reduce dependence on the traditional electricity grid. This installation could power a home with several energy-intensive electrical appliances, such as an electric heating system, air conditioners or even an electric car. If you want to know more about greater power, our article on how much 1000 m2 of solar panels generate will interest you!

The power of the solar installation does not only depend on the available surface area , but also on the efficiency of the photovoltaic modules used. Current solar panels display conversion efficiencies of around 15 to 20% , which means that they transform 15 to 20% of the solar energy received into electricity.

Power and efficiency, other criteria come into play when choosing solar panels, such as manufacturing quality , durability , resistance to climatic conditions and the manufacturer's warranty . It is essential to select reliable and efficient modules to optimize electricity production and ensure the sustainability of the installation. For example, some panels are designed to withstand extreme climatic conditions, such as severe storms or hail, which is crucial in certain regions.

Initial costs to install 100 m² of solar panels

Solar panel cost

The price of a 100 m² photovoltaic solar installation varies depending on several factors , such as the power of the modules, the quality of the equipment, the complexity of the installation and the region of installation. On average, it costs around 900 euros per kWc installed. However, this cost can vary depending on the supplier and the options chosen, such as better quality panels or more efficient inverters.

For a 10 kWc installation (about 100 m²), the initial cost would be about 9000 euros. This amount includes the purchase of solar panels, the inverter, cables, mounting accessories and the labor required for installation. If you go through Oscaro Power, you can drastically reduce the cost of your investment since you save on the installation price!

Beyond the initial cost, there are also additional costs associated with solar installation, such as administrative procedures (network connection application, insurance, etc.). Some regions offer financial aid or subsidies to encourage the adoption of solar energy, which can reduce the initial cost of the investment.

How much energy do 100 m² of solar panels produce?

The electrical production of a 100 m² solar installation depends on several parameters, including the sunshine in the region, the orientation and inclination of the panels, as well as the efficiency of the photovoltaic modules. In general, a south-facing orientation with an inclination of 30 to 35 degrees is ideal for maximizing solar production in France.

In France, it is estimated that 1 kWp of solar panels produces on average between 1000 and 1400 kWh per year . Thus, a 10 kWp installation (100 m²) can generate between 10,000 and 14,000 kWh of renewable electricity each year. This production can vary significantly depending on the geographical location. The southern regions of France, such as Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur or Occitanie, benefit from more sunshine than the northern regions, which results in higher electricity production.

To refine this estimate, it is recommended to carry out a personalized study taking into account the specificities of your project (location, orientation, shadows, etc.). With the solar kit configurator created by Oscaro Power, you can simulate your future energy production very easily. An accurate simulation can also take into account factors such as losses related to shading or high temperatures that can reduce the efficiency of the panels.

It is interesting to compare this electricity production to the energy needs of the home or business. In France, the average consumption of a household is around 4,700 kWh per year, while that of an SME is rather around 30,000 kWh/year. A 100 m² solar installation can therefore cover a significant part of the electricity needs, or even achieve energy autonomy in certain cases. In situations where self-consumption is well optimized, an installation of this size could cover up to 100% of the electricity needs of an energy-efficient house.

Self-consumption of solar electricity allows you to reduce your electricity bill by directly consuming the energy produced by the photovoltaic panels and reducing your dependence on energy suppliers such as EDF. The higher the self-consumption rate, the greater the savings will be. To optimize self-consumption, it is possible to adapt your consumption habits by operating electrical appliances during solar production hours, or to install a battery storage system to use solar electricity even outside periods of sunshine.

What revenue is generated by 100 m² of solar panels?

Solar installation

The income from a 100 m² solar installation comes from two main sources: self-consumption of the electricity produced and the sale of the surplus to the grid.

Self-consumption consists of directly using solar electricity to power electrical appliances in the home or business . Each kilowatt-hour self-consumed is a kilowatt-hour saved on the electricity bill. The self-consumption rate varies depending on the consumption profile and the size of the installation. A household with large electrical appliances and daytime consumption will naturally maximize self-consumption.

Any surplus solar electricity not consumed is fed into the public grid and purchased by the energy supplier. The buy-back tariff depends on the type of installation and the date of commissioning. For installations commissioned in 2023, the buy-back tariffs are set at €0.2080/kWh for installations up to 3 kWp, €0.1880/kWh for installations from 3 to 9 kWp, and €0.1530/kWh for installations between 9 and 100 kWp.

Thus, for a 10 kWc installation producing 12,000 kWh/year with a self-consumption rate of 30%, the annual revenues would be of the order of:

Self-consumption savings: 3600 kWh x 0.18 €/kWh = 648 € Sale of surplus: 8400 kWh x 0.153 €/kWh (Updated feed-in tariff) = 1,287.60 € Total: 1,935.60 €/year

These figures are given for information purposes only and may vary depending on actual conditions of use and the buy-back rates in force. Please note that revenues from the sale of surplus may vary depending on regulatory changes and fluctuations in the electricity market.

To optimize the income from your solar installation, it is recommended to size the system according to your consumption profile, in order to maximize the self-consumption rate. Battery storage solutions can also be considered to increase energy autonomy and reduce the surplus injected into the network. In addition, some home automation devices allow you to program the use of energy-intensive devices during hours of maximum solar production, further improving the financial return of the installation.

Operating and maintenance costs for 100 m² of solar panels

A 100 m² solar installation requires little maintenance and generates limited operating costs. The main expenditure items are:

  • Installation insurance : around 100 euros/year. This insurance is important to protect against risks such as damage caused by extreme weather events, fires or technical failures.
  • Periodic cleaning of the panels : about 100 euros/year. Although the panels are designed to be resistant to dirt and dust, regular cleaning can optimize their performance, especially in regions with high levels of pollution or dust.

In total, operating and maintenance costs can be estimated at around €200 per year, or less than €0.02/kWh produced. These costs are relatively low compared to the savings on electricity bills, which helps to improve the profitability of the investment.

It is important to choose quality equipment to ensure the reliability and longevity of your solar installation. That is why at Oscaro Power, our experts select the best products on the market, favoring recognized manufacturers and proven technologies. Particular attention is paid to the resistance of materials, the sealing of connection boxes and the quality of cables and connectors, in order to prevent premature failures and minimize maintenance interventions. Rigorous tests and quality controls are carried out to ensure that the equipment meets the strictest standards.

Regular maintenance also helps detect and correct potential malfunctions before they affect electricity production. It is recommended to regularly monitor the performance of the installation using monitoring tools, and to carry out an annual visual inspection to check the condition of the panels and equipment. In the event of an abnormal drop in production or visible degradation, it is important to call on a qualified professional to diagnose and resolve the problem. Modern monitoring tools also allow you to track the performance of your installation in real time via mobile applications, facilitating the management and optimization of your system.

The net profitability of 100 m² of solar panels

Taking into account the initial costs, the revenue generated and the operating costs, the net profitability of a 100 m² solar installation can be calculated over its lifetime (25 to 30 years).

For a 10 kWp installation (100 m²) with an initial cost of €12,000 and which generates annual income of €1,500, the return on investment time would be approximately 8 years. This calculation may vary depending on fluctuations in the price of electricity, changes in feed-in tariffs and possible maintenance costs.

Over 25 years, taking into account operating and maintenance costs, the cumulative net gain would be in the order of €25,000 to €30,000. This represents a net profitability of around 2 to 3% per year, not including the ecological added value and the potential increase in the price of electricity. Profitability forecasts may also be influenced by the increase in electricity prices, which could increase the savings made through self-consumption.

Of course, these figures are given as an indication and may vary depending on the specificities of each project. It is recommended to carry out a personalized profitability study to precisely evaluate the return on investment of your solar installation. Factors such as the evolution of the cost of electricity, possible local or national subsidies, as well as the actual performance of the installation can significantly influence the profitability of the project.

The non-financial benefits of a solar installation must also be taken into account, such as energy independence, the enhancement of real estate assets and the contribution to the ecological transition. In a context of rising electricity prices and growing awareness of environmental issues, investing in photovoltaic solar energy appears to be a relevant and responsible choice in the long term.

The profitability of a solar installation also depends on the quality of its implementation. An optimized design, careful installation and regular maintenance are key factors to guarantee optimal and sustainable electricity production. This is why it is essential to call on experienced and qualified professionals, capable of supporting you in all stages of your solar project. Good planning and precise execution will not only ensure the energy performance of your installation but also its durability over time.

The environmental benefits of 100 m² of solar panels

solar panel environment

Beyond the financial aspect, installing 100 m² of solar panels has many advantages for the environment . By producing renewable and decarbonized electricity, such an installation avoids the emission of approximately 1.5 tons of CO2 per year, or the equivalent of 10,000 km traveled by car. This calculation is based on an average estimate of the emissions avoided compared to conventional electricity production based on fossil fuels.

In addition, solar energy contributes to the energy transition and the fight against climate change by reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Every solar kilowatt hour produced is a clean and sustainable kilowatt hour, which preserves natural resources for future generations. By reducing the demand for energy from non-renewable sources, solar panels play a key role in reducing pollution and negative impacts on the environment.

Opting for 100 m² of solar panels is therefore making a concrete gesture in favor of the planet, while making savings in the long term. It is a responsible and virtuous investment, which combines economic performance and ecological commitment. The adoption of renewable energies also contributes to the preservation of biodiversity by reducing the environmental impacts associated with the extraction and use of fossil resources.

Installing solar panels also contributes to the decentralization and resilience of the electricity grid . By producing part of its electricity locally, it reduces transmission losses and relieves the distribution infrastructure. In a context of increasing extreme weather events and blackout risks, the energy autonomy provided by photovoltaic solar power is a valuable asset. Local energy generation also reduces the need for transmission and distribution infrastructure, which can help stabilize the electricity grid and reduce the costs associated with network expansion.

Beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions, solar energy also offers other environmental benefits. Unlike conventional thermal power plants, photovoltaic panels do not generate air pollution or toxic waste. They do not consume water for their operation, which is a considerable advantage in regions subject to water stress. At the end of their life, photovoltaic modules can be recycled at more than 90%, which limits their impact on the environment. Advances in recycling technologies make it possible to recover and reuse valuable materials from the panels, thus reducing their ecological footprint and contributing to a circular economy.

Finally, by choosing solar energy, we participate in the creation of local and non-relocatable jobs in the renewable energy sector. We thus support the development of a sector of the future, creating economic and social value in our territories. The expansion of the solar sector also contributes to technological innovation and industrial competitiveness, by stimulating research and development of new energy solutions. Solar farms are also known for their many ecological benefits, if you want to know more our article on how much 1 hectare of solar panels brings in is for you!

What is the average yield of a photovoltaic solar panel installation?

Solar panel efficiency is a crucial factor that determines how efficiently solar energy is converted into usable electricity. In other words, it measures how much of the solar energy captured by the panels is converted into electricity.

Definition of solar panel efficiency

The efficiency of solar panels is expressed as a percentage and represents the ability of the panel to convert the received solar energy into electricity. For example, a solar panel with an efficiency of 18% will convert 18% of the incident solar energy into electricity, while the rest will be dissipated as heat or reflected. This efficiency is directly related to the technology and materials used in the manufacture of solar panels.

Average efficiency of current solar panels

The photovoltaic solar panels available today have varying efficiencies depending on the technology and materials used:

  1. Monocrystalline Panels : These panels are made from a single silicon crystal and are known for their high efficiency. The average efficiency of monocrystalline panels is typically between 18% and 22%. This type of panel is often preferred for residential and commercial installations due to its high efficiency and better performance in low light conditions.
  2. Polycrystalline panels : Unlike monocrystalline panels, polycrystalline panels are made from multiple silicon crystals fused together. Their average efficiency is slightly lower, typically between 15% and 18%. Although they are generally less expensive, they can be less efficient in low light conditions compared to monocrystalline panels.
  3. Thin-film panels : These panels consist of thin layers of photovoltaic materials deposited on a substrate, such as glass or plastic. Their efficiency is generally lower than that of silicon panels, ranging from 10% to 12%. However, they are often lighter and more flexible, which can be advantageous in certain applications.

Factors influencing performance

Solar panel efficiency

Several factors can affect the profitability of solar panels , beyond panel technology:

  • Orientation and Tilt : Solar panels need to be optimally oriented toward the sun to maximize their output. Typically, panels should be tilted at an angle that matches your area's latitude and facing south in the northern hemisphere to capture the most sunlight.
  • Sunshine and weather conditions : The amount of sunlight available and local weather conditions play an important role. An area with abundant and consistent sunshine will allow solar panels to operate more efficiently.
  • Shadows and obstructions : Shadows cast by trees, buildings, or other structures can reduce the performance of solar panels. It is essential to choose a location free of shadows to maximize electricity production.
  • Temperature : Although solar panels operate using sunlight, high temperatures can reduce their efficiency. Panels are designed to operate efficiently in a wide range of temperatures, but proper ventilation can help maintain optimal performance.

Installing 100 m² of photovoltaic solar panels is a financially and environmentally advantageous decision. With an annual production of around 10,000 to 14,000 kWh and potential income of €1,500, this installation offers an excellent return on investment. The average efficiency of the panels, between 15% and 20%, allows for efficient conversion of solar energy.

The ecological benefits are also notable: reduced CO2 emissions, reduced dependence on fossil fuels, and no air pollution. By opting for solar energy, you are making a sustainable choice that combines savings with contributing to a cleaner energy future.

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