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Article: How much does 1000 m² of solar panels generate?

Panneau photovoltaïque

How much does 1000 m² of solar panels generate?

Solar panels have become an essential source of renewable energy for individuals and businesses. By transforming solar energy into electricity, they offer a sustainable solution to reduce energy costs and contribute to the energy transition. The question of the profitability of solar panels is crucial to determine the financial interest of such an installation. Today, we look at how much 1000 m2 of solar panel brings in.

Solar and photovoltaic energy

solar energy

Solar energy is captured by photovoltaic panels, which convert sunlight into electricity . This electricity can then be used to power electrical devices, stored in batteries, or sold to an energy supplier.

Solar panels and electricity production

Solar panels are composed of photovoltaic cells that generate electricity when exposed to light . Electricity production depends on several factors: sunlight , orientation and tilt of the panels, and the efficiency of the solar panels .

Power and efficiency of solar panels

The power of a solar panel is expressed in kilowatts-peak (kWp), a measurement that indicates the maximum amount of electricity the panel can produce under optimal conditions . The efficiency , on the other hand, is the percentage of sunlight that the panel can convert into electricity.

Calculation of the peak power of the panels

To determine the total power of an installation, the unit power of the panels must be multiplied by their number . For example, 400 Wp (0.4 kWp) panels covering an area of ​​1000 m² could have a total power of around 150 kWp, depending on the density and efficiency of the panels chosen.

Profitability of a solar installation

The profitability of solar panels depends on several elements: the initial cost of the panels and their installation , the annual production of electricity, and the income generated by the sale of this electricity.

Price and sale of solar electricity

The price of solar electricity varies depending on the feed-in tariffs set by the authorities and contracts with energy suppliers.

Buyback tariff for electricity produced

In France, for example, the buy-back tariff for electricity produced by solar panels can reach around €0.10/kWh for installations larger than 9 kWc. This tariff is guaranteed by 20-year sales contracts, thus offering a stable and predictable source of income.

Annual electricity production and revenues

The annual electricity production of a solar installation depends on local sunshine , the performance of the panels and the quality of the installation.

Calculation of production in kWh per year

For a 1000 m² installation of solar panels producing on average 150 kWp, the annual production could reach around 180,000 kWh, assuming a production of 1200 kWh per kWp installed (which is a common estimate in very sunny regions).

These are different scenarios with Investment / Production / Sales profitability calculations.

This varies from self-consumption linked to solar kits installed on roofs.

Financial profitability of solar panels

The financial profitability of solar panels is assessed by comparing the initial long-term costs and the revenue generated by the sale of electricity.

Cost of purchasing and installing solar panels

The cost of purchasing and installing solar panels depends on many factors, such as panel technology, inverters, electrical protection systems and wiring, and local labor costs.

Area required for cost-effective installation

For a 1000 m² surface area, the total installation cost can vary considerably, but a common estimate is between €150,000 and €200,000, including panels, inverters, mounting system and professional installation. This does not include the cost of acquiring the land, which varies considerably depending on the region.

Investment bonus and profitability

Financial aid and investment grants are often available for solar installations, which can significantly improve the profitability of the project.

Example of profitability of a solar installation

Let's take the example of a 1000 m² installation with an annual production of 180,000 kWh . If the feed-in tariff is €0.10/kWh , the annual income would be €18,000 . With an installation cost of €200,000, the installation could pay for itself in about 11 years, not including financial aid. After this period, the income generated would mainly be profits.

Profitability of a 1,000 m² photovoltaic installation

Whether you are investing in a smaller solar installation (a 100 m² or 300 m² house) or one with an equally large surface area, the question of profitability is essential. It is estimated that a 1,000 m² photovoltaic plant will be profitable between 8 and 10 years . After this period, the income generated essentially constitutes a net profit .

Installing 1000 m² of solar panels can be an expensive undertaking, but it offers a stable and sustainable source of income through the sale of the electricity produced. Taking into account the initial costs, feed-in tariffs and investment premiums, such an installation can become profitable in about ten years. The key to profitability lies in the correct sizing of the installation, the optimization of electricity production and the maximization of available financial aid.

Curious to learn more about solar farms and very large installations?

When should you install 1,000 m² of solar panels?

solar farm

1,000 m² of solar panels for sale in total

Becoming a solar electricity producer allows you to choose from several methods of valorizing energy production, one of the options being the total sale of solar electricity ( edf OA resale). This method consists of injecting all the electricity produced by the solar panels into the electricity grid. By choosing this option, you contribute to the supply of clean energy while generating income through the sale of electricity to the network manager.

1,000 m² of solar panels for partial self-consumption

The installation of 1,000 m² of solar panels in partial self-consumption makes it possible to maximize the use of solar energy produced on site. In partial self-consumption, the electricity generated is used locally to cover its own energy needs, while the surplus is injected into the electricity grid. This surplus is sold at a fixed and regulated rate, thus generating additional income. This configuration makes it possible to achieve substantial savings on electricity bills.

1,000 m² of solar panels to finance a hangar

For those who prefer to avoid the expense of installing solar panels, renting your roof to a professional is a cost-effective solution. By allowing a third party to install solar panels on your roof, you can receive regular rental payments for the use of your space. Additionally, some rental agreements may include partial or full financing of the renovation or construction of your shed, providing an additional financial benefit while contributing to the production of renewable energy.

How much does a 1,000 m² photovoltaic installation cost?

solar installation price

The cost of a 1,000 m² solar installation varies between €0.9 and €1.2/Wc , which corresponds to a range of € 187,000 to €250,000 excluding tax.

The final amount will depend on a variety of factors specific to your solar project, such as location (carport shade installations tend to be slightly more expensive than ground- or roof-mounted installations), the model of solar panel chosen, and the specifics of the installation site.

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