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Article: How to orient your solar panels?

Comment orienter vos panneaux solaires ? - Oscaro Power

How to orient your solar panels?

Optimize your solar energy production with a strategic orientation! When you invest in solar panels, every ray of sunshine can count. But did you know that the orientation of your solar panels can make all the difference? Or on the contrary, have only a limited impact on the profitability of the system?

In this article, we will reveal the secrets to getting the most out of your solar panels by orienting them optimally. Get ready to discover practical tips and information to fully exploit the potential of solar energy . Don't let opportunities slip away, learn How to orient your solar panels from today! 🌞

Understanding the impact of solar panel orientation

solar panel orientation

The position of solar panels is a key factor in maximizing their energy efficiency . It determines the amount of sunlight captured, which directly influences electricity production. ⚡️ For an optimal position, two elements are essential: orientation And the tilt of the solar panels .
If you want to know more about the efficiency of solar panels, you will become an expert once you have read our article on the subject. 😉

Maximize your solar production with the optimal orientation

The ideal orientation for solar panels in mainland France and Corsica is due south . This position ensures maximum exposure to the sun throughout the day. This helps to optimize annual electricity production. Although some people may be tempted to offset their solar panels to produce more in the morning or evening, depending on their consumption habits, many simulations show that this practice is not really advantageous. Maintaining a full south orientation guarantees maximum solar production throughout the day and offers better long-term profitability with a better self-production rate . ☀️

Maximize your solar production with the ideal tilt angle

Besides the orientation, the tilt angle Solar panels also play an important role in maximizing solar production. In most cases, a tilt angle equal to the latitude of the installation location is recommended. However, it should be noted that the actual impact of the tilt angle is relatively limited compared to the overall orientation of the solar panels. So even if your roof has a slight slope different, it will not have a significant effect on electricity production.
In most situations, a The optimum tilt angle is between 20° and 55° . This angle range also offers an ideal compromise between maximum exposure to the sun and efficient drainage of rainwater or snow. If your panels are facing due south, a tilt angle equivalent to the latitude of the installation site is generally recommended.
Solar luminous flux
Let's take a concrete example: suppose you opt for a full east or full west orientation, with panels tilted at a 30 degree angle . In this configuration, you might notice a loss of yield of approximately 10% compared to the optimum. This means that you could produce slightly less energy compared to a perfectly south-facing installation with the same inclination.
Another example, if you have a full south orientation with a tilt angle of 15 degrees , you might notice a loss of yield of approximately 5% compared to the optimum (due south 25 to 45°). This means that even with a less than optimum tilt, you can still produce a very substantial amount of solar energy .
The bottom line is this: While facing due south with the optimum tilt angle provides the maximum yield, alternative configurations such as facing due east or due west with different tilt angles are still quite cost-effective. Yield losses are generally acceptable. So there is no need to change the tilt of your roof or the orientation of your roof to benefit from the advantages of solar energy.

Key factors for optimal orientation of solar panels

Solar panels orientation

Choosing the right roof pitch for optimal orientation

The choice of the good roof section is another key aspect of optimizing your solar system. By identifying the roof slope that provides maximum exposure to the sun, you can significantly improve the performance of your solar panels. South-facing roofs typically provide the best orientation to capture sunlight throughout the day. However, east and west-facing roofs are also viable, especially in areas where solar radiation is abundant.

Obstacles and shading:

Nearby obstacles such as trees 🌲 , adjacent buildings or architectural features such as chimneys can create shadows on your solar panels. shadows significantly reduce the efficiency of the panels by reducing the amount of sunlight captured. It is best to choose a location without major obstacles that could hinder the direct sunlight of the panels. By avoiding shaded areas, you maximize solar exposure and, therefore, solar energy production.

Roof pitch:

The roof slope is an important aspect to consider for a position optimal solar panel tilt. In some areas, a specific tilt may be recommended to maximize solar panel capture. solar rays . For example, in regions with harsh winters, a steeper slope allows for better evacuation of snow ❄️ that could accumulate on the solar panels.

Geographic latitude:

Your geographic location is a key factor in choosing the optimal tilt for solar panels. Countries located closer to the equator, with lower latitudes, benefit from more intense sunlight. In these regions, a south-facing orientation is recommended to maximize solar energy capture throughout the day, but with a lower tilt. Again, if the tilt matches the latitude, you will have better production.

Seasonal variations:

Seasonal variations should also be taken into account when optimizing solar panel orientation . The sun moves across the sky throughout the seasons, which can affect the optimal angle for capturing solar energy. By slightly adjusting the angle of the solar panels or by using solar tracking systems. It is then possible to maximize energy production throughout the year by taking into account seasonal variations in the sun. This adaptability allows you to maintain optimal production levels , even during months when the sun is less intense. 🌥️

The interest of a variable inclination/tracking

Solar panel tilt

It is common to think that hyper-optimization solar panels using tracking systems or adjusting the tilt depending on the time of year can significantly improve annual efficiency.
In theory, tracking systems allow you to follow the sun's trajectory throughout the day . Thus providing maximum exposure to the sun's rays. Similarly, adjusting the tilt of the panels depending on the time of year may seem like a wise strategy to optimize electricity production.
However, the practical and economic implications of such solutions should be taken into account. Indeed, these Hyper-optimization methods generate substantial costs which may make sense on large power plants, rarely on a residential scale. In addition to the higher initial investment, these systems require increased maintenance and additional work. In addition, the complexity of the system increases, which can lead to reduced reliability and increased risks of failures.
It is important to consider a more pragmatic approach. In many cases, installing an additional solar panel can provide similar or even better results at a lower cost and with less maintenance effort in the long term. By investing in quality solar panels like those from Oscaro Power . And by installing them optimally in terms of orientation and tilt, you can achieve optimal solar performance without the complications and additional costs of tracking systems or tilt adjustments.
You are now armed of knowledge and practical tips to optimize solar energy production through strategic orientation of your solar panels. The orientation and the inclination play a vital role in capturing maximum sunlight, resulting in increased electricity production. 🌞

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