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Article: How a solar system works

Le fonctionnement d'un système solaire - Oscaro Power

How a solar system works

Understanding photovoltaics and how they work is not always easy. Solar panels are now accessible to everyone and are constantly evolving on the market.

A real revolution in our energy consumption! Would you also like to participate in the photovoltaic experiment and install a solar kit at home? We are here for you! 😉

In this article, we will describe the components of a solar panel to better understand how sunlight is transformed into electricity to directly power a home. You will immediately understand better how a solar system works! 🏠

How does a solar system work?

solar powered

A solar installation aims to produce electricity from an unlimited and natural energy: sunlight. The panels capture the sun's rays (photons) to create electricity.

A solar panel is mainly composed of silicon . Silicon is a semiconductor material . It is also the second most abundant element in the earth's crust (it is notably present in sand). The manufacture of a solar panel requires the purest possible silicon.

Silicon is composed of atoms . As a reminder, an atom is a grain of matter composed of a nucleus, around which electrons gravitate. When the electrons move in the same direction, this creates an electric current. ⚡️

Silicon is a material of choice in the manufacturing process of solar panels. Indeed, because it is a semiconductor, it becomes conductive at a certain level of excitation of its electrons.

When exposed to light, the electrons in silicon are excited by photons via an energy that makes them mobile, however, this is not enough to create electricity.

To organize an electron flow, the silicon wafer must be doped. In other words, a few atoms are inserted into the silicon surface structure to create a potential difference: on one side, excess electrons thanks to Phosphorus, on the other, holes thanks to Boron.

solar silicon

The conversion of electricity.

Photovoltaic panels produce direct current while your home consumes alternating current. This is where the inverter or micro-inverters come into play. This inverter will convert the direct current into alternating current compatible with the consumption stations in your home. 🏠

electrical conversion

Whether the weather is good or bad ⛅️ , your solar panels work! Indeed, they react to light and can therefore produce all year round. Obviously , in rainy or snowy weather, their production will be reduced. You will not produce electricity at night, but it is nevertheless possible to store your surplus energy not consumed during the day by adding a battery.

The use of your electricity production.

Once your solar system is installed, you will produce your own electricity . You will then have several choices for using this energy, depending on your needs, your expectations and the evolution of your installation.

The electricity produced by your installation has the primary objective of powering the electrical appliances in your home, which will significantly reduce your electricity consumption and save you a lot of money on your bill. Using the energy produced immediately is the most cost-effective way to operate your solar system, this is called self-consumption.

To increase your self-production, you can store your surplus energy . This requires the purchase of a battery . This battery will be very useful in order to use the stored energy in very cloudy weather, or at night when your panels are not producing.

You also have the possibility of selling the surplus of unconsumed electricity . The production of your solar panels may be greater than the consumption of your home. In order not to lose the energy produced by your installation, the sale of surplus appears to be an economical and ecological solution . To do this, you will simply have to choose the electricity supplier that suits you in order to sell your surplus. The current purchase price is between 6.8 cts/kWh and 14 cts/kWh centimes depending on the offers.

Depending on your needs and expectations, different solar panels are available on the market. At Oscaro Power , we adapt to all types of needs and each installation is 100% personalized!

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