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Article: Is solar energy renewable?

L'énergie solaire est-elle renouvelable ? - Oscaro Power
Énergie verte

Is solar energy renewable?

With climate change, the world is in desperate need of clean, renewable energy sources. Solar photovoltaic energy is today's fastest growing energy source . Which is good news for those who like cheap, clean, renewable energy.

In this article, we will show you why solar energy is renewable and beneficial for the environment and how it works. Let's start with a quick reminder of how solar energy works.☀️

How does solar energy work?

solar energy operation

Solar energy is produced by capturing the sun's energy and transforming it into electricity for your home or business. The process can be broken down into five basic steps.

The Five Steps of Solar Energy

  • Solar panels made of photovoltaic cells are installed on your roof or on a separate structure or a set of ground-mounted solar panels. To find out the different types of fasteners , our last article deals with the subject.
  • When sunlight hits photovoltaic cells, it knocks electrons off the atoms they are bound to, creating a flow of electricity .
  • The solar panels are connected to an inverter which converts current direct current produced by the panels into alternating current, the type of electricity used in your home.
  • The alternating current is then sent into your home, where it feeds your lamps, household appliances and other electrical devices.
  • The excess solar energy generated is stored in a battery Or sent over the network, where it can be used by surrounding electrical systems.

Of course, solar energy requires a sunshine and only works during the day. In case the system produces more electricity than the house consumes. It is possible to resell the surplus from an energy supplier. Our offer Together in partnership with JPME allows you to resell your surplus electricity. Others use storage batteries to accumulate energy for the night.

Is solar energy renewable?

renewable solar energy

Yes, solar energy is a renewable energy source . Renewable energy sources are those that can be replenished naturally and are not depleted when used. They include:

  • Solar energy
  • The wind
  • Water (hydroelectric and tidal)
  • Geothermal energy

Yes, solar energy is a renewable energy source, because it is produced by the light and heat of the sun, which are constantly renewed . Unlike fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which are non-renewable energy sources. Solar energy does not run out and does not produce environmentally harmful greenhouse gases when used to generate electricity. In addition, solar energy is available for free, all over the world, making it an abundant potential energy source to meet our future energy needs in a sustainable way!

Why is solar the leading source of renewable energy?

renewable energy

Solar is sometimes considered the premier renewable energy source because it is the most widely used renewable energy source. abundant , the most profitable and most widely available on the planet.

In addition to being renewable and widely available, solar energy is also a clean and environmentally friendly . It produces no emissions when generating electricity, and the emissions generated by manufacturing a solar panel are typically offset within 2 to 3 years.

Unlike other renewable energy sources, such as wind or hydroelectric power, which depend on specific geographic and weather conditions, solar energy can be used almost everywhere , provided there is enough sunlight.

Solar energy can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used for to produce electricity on a large scale in solar power plants, to heat water in solar thermal systems, and even to produce electricity on small areas with photovoltaic solar panels.

How is solar energy beneficial for the environment?

environmental benefits

Solar energy is a energy source renewable sustainable , because it meets the imperatives of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Energy Photovoltaics is beneficial for the environment in several ways:

Solar energy reduces carbon emissions

Solar energy reduces our dependence on fossil fuels , that contribute to climate change. By using solar energy, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and help preserve the planet for future generations.

Solar energy conserves water

Solar energy not only reduces carbon emissions, but also saves water .

All sources of electricity generation require water. However, while fossil fuels and nuclear power consume water continuously, solar panels do not need water than during their manufacture. Once installed, water is no longer needed. That leaves more than 25 years of water-free energy production.

Rooftop solar power conserves land

Besides emissions and water, solar energy can also reduce land use virgins , by using existing and widely exploitable real estate resources (such as parking, roofs of large areas, etc.). Solar energy on rooftops, in particular, requires no additional land and transforms a surface that absorbs heat into one that produces clean electricity.

Solar panels can also be used in conjunction with agricultural and native landscapes in a system known as “agrivoltaics.”

The combination of solar panels and agriculture has the potential to:

  • Improve crop yield and native plant growth
  • Shelter livestock and wildlife
  • Reduce water loss through evaporation
  • Provide a secondary source of income for farmers and ranchers
  • Preserve Wild Areas

Agrivoltaics is one of the many examples of the versatility of solar energy.

Anyone can produce renewable solar energy

renewable energy production

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of renewable solar energy is the fact that the general public can produce it !

Rooftop solar is not only incredibly beneficial for the environment, it's also incredibly beneficial for your wallet. Solar energy can reduce your energy costs and give you predictable monthly payments. Over the 25-year guaranteed life of a solar system, this can add up to hundreds of dollars in energy savings.

As a leading source of renewable energy, solar energy is truly a win-win solution. At Oscaro Power , access to solar energy for all is our main goal!

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