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Article: The 8 devices that consume the most in your daily life

Les 8 appareils qui consomment le plus dans votre quotidien - Oscaro Power

The 8 devices that consume the most in your daily life

Energy is a key element for our daily life. We use many electronic devices to make our life more comfortable. Unfortunately, these devices have a considerable impact on our energy bill.⚡️

Knowing which appliances are the biggest energy users can help you take steps to reduce your energy consumption and save you money. Here are the 8 biggest energy users in your daily life and tips for optimizing them.

Electric heating

Electric heating

Electric heating is the most energy-intensive appliance we use on a daily basis. In fact, it can represent up to 60% of a household's energy bill . Electric heating is very common in homes and apartments in France. Especially in regions where winters are harsh. Unfortunately, it is also responsible for the majority of energy consumption, which can have a significant impact on the electricity bill.

The average consumption of an electric heater can vary considerably depending on several factors. Such as the size of the room, the type of electric heating, the insulation of the house, the desired room temperature, etc. However, according to data from ADEME (Agence de la transition écologique), the average consumption of an electric radiator to heat a 20 m² room to 19°C for one hour is around 1.5 kWh . This means that to heat a room of this size for 8 hours, the energy consumption would be 12 kw, or approximately 2.40 euros per day (assuming an average electricity cost of 0.20 euro/kWh).

It is commonly accepted that a 1°C drop in temperature can result in energy savings of around 7% on your heating bill . However, it is important to note that the exact relationship between temperature and energy consumption depends on many factors. These include the type of heating system, the insulation of the house, the outdoor climate, lifestyle habits and set temperatures.

In general, it is recommended to set the indoor temperature at a comfortable level and to adapt the heating settings according to the activities and times of the day. For example, it is possible to lower the temperature at night or when no one is at home, or to install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature according to needs. In any case, a drop of 1°C in the indoor temperature is likely to contribute to energy savings and reduce heating costs , but the extent of this saving will depend on many factors specific to each situation.

Water heater

Water heater

The electric water heater is one of the very energy-intensive appliances. Indeed, it is used several times a day to provide domestic hot water, whether for showering, washing hands or doing the dishes. According to ADEME, the average consumption of an electric water heater, for a family of four, is 9.6 kWh per day . This represents a significant part of the electricity bill, especially if the water heater is old or oversized compared to actual needs.

To reduce the energy consumption of the water heater, it is possible to limit the temperature of the hot water, to opt for a solar or thermodynamic water heater, or to program the water heater so that it only works when it is really necessary. Simple actions that can allow significant energy savings.

The refrigerator


Air conditioning

Air conditioning

Air conditioning is another household appliance that consumes a lot of energy. Like the refrigerator, the air conditioning must run continuously to maintain a comfortable temperature inside. It can consume up to 30% of your home's total energy, consuming up to 3Kwh per day on average . The compression cooling system used in most air conditioners consumes a lot of energy, especially when it is very hot outside. Also, the larger the capacity of the air conditioner, the higher the energy consumption will be.

It is therefore important to take steps to minimize the energy consumption of air conditioning, such as using programmable thermostats , regular maintenance and installing energy-efficient air conditioners .

The washing machine

Washing machine

Washing machines consume a lot of energy and water , which can lead to additional costs and a negative environmental footprint. This is due to the need to heat water to wash clothes, as well as the electricity consumption to run the machine. In addition, frequent use of the washing machine can increase energy and water consumption. It can consume up to 2.5 Kwh per day on average .

It is therefore important to use the washing machine sensibly and efficiently, using low temperature washing cycles and selecting energy - saving programs , in order to reduce energy and water consumption.

Induction hob

Induction hob

Induction hobs are becoming increasingly popular in homes due to their fast heating and superior energy efficiency over traditional cooktops. However, their high power can also make them one of the most energy-intensive appliances in the kitchen. The average power consumption of an induction hob used for one hour at full power is around 1.5 kWh .

To reduce the energy consumption of induction hobs, it is recommended not to leave the hob on unnecessarily, and to favor dishes that require short cooking times. Simple actions that can reduce the electricity bill while preparing delicious meals.

The dryer

Tumble dryer

Tumble dryers consume a lot of energy due to the amount of electricity needed to produce heat to dry clothes. In addition, they can take a long time to completely dry clothes, which can lead to frequent use and therefore increased energy consumption. It consumes an average of 3 Kwh per day . It is therefore important to use the dryer sparingly and to favor air drying when possible to reduce energy consumption and protect clothes.

The oven


The oven is a household appliance that consumes a lot of energy. This is due to the need to maintain a high temperature to cook food. Electric ovens are particularly energy-intensive , as they need a source of electricity to operate. It consumes an average of 2 Kwh per day.

It is important to choose an energy-efficient oven and use it efficiently by avoiding unnecessary door openings during cooking and preheating the oven only when necessary. In addition, using a lid or tray under the food can help keep the heat inside the oven, reducing energy consumption.

How can you successfully reduce your consumption with everyday devices?

In conclusion, it is important to take into account the energy consumption of our daily appliances to reduce our energy footprint and our electricity bill. The most energy-hungry appliances are in fact those that we mostly need the most on a daily basis in our home.

It is therefore advisable to opt for energy-efficient models , to use them efficiently and to turn them off when not in use to minimize their energy consumption. It is important to remember that every little gesture counts to protect the environment and preserve natural resources.

If you have solar panels, it is wise to plan the use of our electrical appliances during the day rather than in the evening. And to opt for controllable loads or those that can be aligned with solar production. Indeed, this allows us to maximize the use of solar energy produced by the solar panels, and thus reduce the amount of energy consumed from the conventional electricity grid.

To learn more about the benefits of solar energy, our latest article covers the topic.

By scheduling our electrical appliances to use during solar production hours, we can use the abundant and free solar energy rather than relying on expensive and polluting energy sources. Controllable appliances can be controlled to turn on or off automatically based on the availability of solar energy, allowing for more efficient use of solar energy. In this way, we can all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future for all.

To have a strong environmental impact and on your electricity bill, Oscaro Power and its personalized solar kits are here!

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