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Article: The 9 myths about solar panels

Les 9 mythes sur les panneaux solaires - Oscaro Power

The 9 myths about solar panels

THE Myths about solar energy are numerous and persist . “Solar panels are expensive, they are dangerous for the home, they are not profitable…” The list is long! 🤯
In order to debunk these untruths, we have prepared an article for you to re-establish the truths about solar energy and the installation of photovoltaic kits .

Myth #1: Solar panels are expensive and not cost-effective

This is a very widespread fake news! Many people still wrongly believe that solar panels are inaccessible because they are very expensive. It is true that 20 years ago, solar panels were considered cutting-edge technologies and their manufacturing cost was high, which made them inaccessible for many people. However, over the years, technological advances and economies of scale have made it possible to significantly reduce manufacturing costs. of the solar panels . Indeed, the price of solar panels has been divided by more than 100 over the last 20 years, allowing a growing number of individuals to equip themselves with a solar kit and benefit from this sustainable and green energy. ☘️
At Oscaro Power, the average price of a solar kit for 8 panels is €4,355 ! A solar investment must be considered as a whole: in the long term, profitability is ensured by the savings made on the electricity bill, or by the sale of surplus production. In addition, the environmental advantages, compared to the use of fossil fuels, are considerable.
In addition to becoming much more affordable, solar panels have also seen their efficiency increase thanks to the considerable progress in photovoltaic engineering. This translates into greater savings, by reducing the amortization period of solar technology. 💰
While residential solar hasn't always been a solid investment, it certainly is today, thanks to vast improvements in technology and the rising cost of electricity generated from fossil fuels.
You want to know 8 reasons why solar is an investment for the future ? Don’t miss our latest article!

Myth #2: Installing solar panels will hurt your property value

solar panel owner

It’s only natural to wonder how adding solar panels can affect the value of your property.🏠
The good news is that the presence of a solar kit in your home has a positive impact on the price of the home and can increase its value 3 to 4% .
Numerous studies have also shown that Properties equipped with solar technology sell much faster . This is due to the savings that can be made on the electricity bill, as well as the growing interest of consumers in sustainability. The installation of solar panels is therefore a significant added value for your home not to be neglected!
Today, more than ever, individuals are looking to reduce their ecological footprint and solar energy allows them to achieve this while offering a good return on investment.

Myth #3: Solar panels are a source of danger during storms

Extreme weather events, whether it's high winds, torrential rain, hailstorms or lightning, are often a source of anxiety for homeowners. However, They do not pose a significant threat to solar installations .
The panels are designed with waterproof and reinforced materials, made to withstand hailstorms and wind speeds of up to 140 km/h. They are also protected from lightning strikes thanks to surge suppression circuits built into the solar inverters. (Except for direct lightning strikes, which are extremely rare).

Myth #4: Solar energy is a high-maintenance technology

solar panel technology

When considering going solar, homeowners inevitably ask themselves the following question:  Is it going to require constant maintenance?” Fortunately, one of the main advantages of solar is that it is exceptionally low-maintenance.
Solar panel maintenance is very low and will take up very little of your time over the year. To learn more, we invite you to check out our blog article: how to clean solar panels ? You will quickly understand that maintaining your solar panels is very simple. 🧽

Myth 5: Solar panels damage the roofs

THE solar panels do not damage your roof at all , another fake news! Modern solar panels are designed to be installed safely and efficiently on any type of roof. The rails on which the panels are fixed are thoughts to be strong enough to support the weight of the panels and withstand the elements, without compromising the structural integrity of the roof.
At Oscaro Power, our 100% personalized kits are made up of fixings adapted to your roof . Solar panels can be easily removed and reinstalled if repairs or maintenance work needs to be carried out on the roof.

Myth 6: Solar panels cannot be recycled

solar panels recycling

Solar panel recycling is a topic that raises many questions. In reality, solar panels are made of materials such as glass, aluminum and silicon, which are very well recycled .
A company called Soren , available in all regions of France, takes care of collecting defective solar panels from individuals free of charge for recycling.

Myth 7: Solar panels contain rare earths

It’s common to hear that solar panels contain rare earths, but this is largely a myth. Rare earths are a group of 17 chemical elements, some of which are used in the production of technology products such as cell phones and permanent magnets.
Solar panels themselves do not contain rare earths. The vast majority of solar panels are made from silicon and other non-toxic and abundant materials such as aluminum and glass.

Myth 8: Solar energy is not competitive

This is probably the most false myth. In fact, solar energy is now the cheapest source of energy in the world. According to a recent study by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the cost of producing solar energy has fallen by more than 80% since 2010, making solar energy the most competitive energy source on the market.
The increase in the price of so-called traditional energy, such as fossil fuels, has made solar energy even more competitive. While fossil fuel prices are constantly fluctuating, the cost of solar energy is more stable and predictable, making it a more reliable and economical option in the long run.
Solar energy is also beneficial in terms of environmental impact. Unlike fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gas emissions that are harmful to the environment, solar energy produces no emissions and is a clean, renewable energy source.
It is clear that solar energy is the cheapest and most competitive energy source on the market. Technological advances have significantly reduced production costs, while the constant increase in traditional energy prices has made solar energy even more economically advantageous.

Myth 9: Solar panels are difficult to install

Solar kit installation

The myth that installing solar panels is difficult and requires the intervention of professionals is totally false. Installing solar panels is now within everyone's reach. individuals wishing to produce green energy at home.
At Oscaro Power, we offer DIY solar kits , with complete guides and pre-assembled kits. These Oscaro Power kits include everything the material necessary for quick and easy installation, without the need for a professional. With a little planning and preparation, anyone can install solar panels to power their home with clean, sustainable solar energy while reducing their electricity bill.
So what are you waiting for to take the plunge? Go to Oscaro Power !

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