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Article: The steps to prepare your solar installation project

Les étapes pour préparer son projet d'installation solaire - Oscaro Power

The steps to prepare your solar installation project

The use of solar energy is constantly increasing worldwide, as it is a green and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels such as coal and oil. In addition to reducing your carbon footprint, solar energy helps you to substantially reduce your electricity bills!
In order to get started with a solar panel installation , it is important to understand the steps required to plan, design and implement your project. From understanding the potential savings to estimating costs, designing the system and completing the administrative procedures, each step takes you towards the success of your project.
In the following sections, we will explore in detail the different steps you need to take to understand, plan, design and install the ideal solar system for you.

1. Understanding solar energy and self-consumption

solar self-consumption

The world of solar energy can seem complex and intimidating, but it is a technology that is accessible to everyone . Before you start installing a solar system at home, it is useful to understand how panels and self-consumption work.
Solar panels convert the sun's light energy into electricity through the use of photovoltaic cells ☀️ . This electricity can then be fed directly into your home's electricity grid or stored in batteries for later use. Self-consumption describes using the electricity produced by your solar panels directly to power your electrical appliances. Rather than purchasing electricity from an energy supplier.
By understanding these basic concepts, you will be able to make informed decisions about the size and configuration of your solar system, as well as how you want to use the energy produced. For example, if you have a high electricity consumption ⚡️, you may need to install a larger system to meet your needs, or if you are looking to maximize your energy independence, self -consumption with a battery may be an option to consider.
In summary, before embarking on a solar project, it is best to understand the basic concepts related to self-consumption. This will help you make informed choices about the size and configuration of your system, as well as how you want to use the solar energy produced.

2. I estimate the potential savings thanks to solar

solar panel savings
Before installing solar panels, it is important to estimate the potential savings you could make. To help you, our simulator uses information about the location of the panels, your energy consumption and other factors to calculate the savings you could make on your electricity bills. By answering a few very simple questions, you can easily understand the savings potential of your solar project. By using our simulator, you can make accurate decisions about the size and configuration of your solar system knowing exactly how much you could save on your electricity bills.
The sizing of your system in our simulator is carried out on the basis of your consumption. That is to say, it takes into account its monthly amount and the nature of your consumers (type of heating, swimming pool, electric vehicle, etc.); it also takes into account the location of installation (your geographical location as well as the inclination and orientation of the panels). The recommended number of solar panels is then determined by economic optimization on the basis of the expected production, but also according to your choice of use (exclusive self-consumption or sale of surplus).
At Oscaro Power, we believe that every solar project is unique. That is why our solar project design approach is 100% customized to meet the individual needs of our clients. We understand that every solar installation is different and must be designed to fit you perfectly. Our team of solar energy experts work with you to understand your energy needs and your specific situation to create a customized solution that meets your needs. In this chapter, we do the sizing, it is independent of the location. We will do the technical configuration in the configurator in the next step.

3. I design and configure my solar system

Solar configuration
Designing and configuring your solar kit is the next important step in your solar project. Indeed, several questions arise when creating your solar kit. What solar equipment is right for me? Should I take a small solar kit with micro-inverter or a larger solar kit with string inverter? Should I take a storage battery to integrate it into my solar system?
At Oscaro Power, we understand the importance of this step and we are here to help you create the technically perfect solar solution for your needs . Our solar engineers have created a technology to fully configure your tailor-made solar kit . By entering our configurator , you will answer a few questions, and a solar kit made for you will be proposed to you.
You can therefore choose the installation location and its type, the desired equipment , add to the kit a tool for monitoring your consumption in real time, a storage battery or even a vehicle charging station .
The different elements proposed at each stage depend on the answers previously given to the simulator and are therefore perfectly adapted to each customer case. At the end of the configurator, Oscaro Power has put together an exhaustive basket for you, with all the components necessary to install this tailor-made solar panel kit yourself, in compliance with current electrical standards. All the installation steps are then detailed in the guide .
By choosing Oscaro Power, you can be sure that your solar system is designed to meet your needs and site specifications. Indeed, our team of experts is there to support you in each step of your project, particularly for the design of your kit. With our help, your solar project will be a success, and will allow you to save money while reducing your environmental impact.

4. I carry out my administrative procedures

administrative procedures
When you decide to install solar panels on your roof, several administrative procedures must be carried out in order to comply with local and national regulations. 📄

Request for preliminary work at the town hall

The first step is to file a preliminary request for work at the town hall . This request informs the municipality of your project to install solar panels and may require the provision of plans, photographs and other additional information. This step is necessary to obtain a proper work permit. It is possible to be exempted from it in a very limited number of cases.

Connection request

Once your preliminary work request is accepted, you will need to request a connection from your local electricity company .

This connection request must be made before the commissioning of your solar panels to connect to the public electricity network . If it is not ENEDIS, the local electricity company will be able to provide you with the necessary information for connection to the network. For ENEDIS, the online tutorial in our guide will allow you to complete the elements requested for total self-consumption or the sale of your surplus. For any additional information on administrative procedures, sections in our guide have been created to make your task easier.

Certificate of conformity

After installing your solar panels and to obtain your connection, you must provide a certificate of conformity . This certificate guarantees that your solar panel installation complies with the safety standards and electrical regulations in force in France .

This step is important to ensure the safety of your installation and avoid any risk to people or surrounding property. You can exempt yourself from it in certain very specific cases by providing a sworn statement.

Valorization of surplus

Finally, you can enter into a surplus recovery contract with the electricity company of your choice. This contract allows you to sell the surplus energy produced by your solar panels .
It must be signed before your solar panel installation is commissioned to benefit from this possibility. To help you, Oscaro Power has set up the ideal and exclusive solution to sell your surplus solar production without changing supplier . With the offer together, you not only have the assurance of not having to deal with the administrative procedures, we take care of all your procedures, but above all, we guarantee you a purchase rate for the surplus set at 17.21 cents per kWh for the year 2023 .
It is important to note that the administrative procedures for installing solar panels are not always simple and can sometimes discourage individuals. However, it is crucial to follow these steps to avoid any legal or safety issues.
At Oscaro Power, we are aware that these administrative procedures can be time-consuming and we have created a dedicated section in our guide to help individuals understand all the steps required to install solar panels. This guide contains all the information to successfully complete your administrative procedures.
In addition, to make life even easier for our customers, we offer offers that allow you to delegate the administrative part(s) that you do not wish to deal with. Thanks to these offers, you can focus on your solar panel installation project and avoid any stress or worry related to administrative procedures.
To find out everything about how your panels are installed, don't miss our article “The steps for installing my solar kit”!

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