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Article: Solar Panels: Do They Work in Cloudy Weather and During the Winter Months?

Les panneaux solaires : Fonctionnent-ils par temps nuageux et durant les mois d'hiver ? - Oscaro Power
Énergie verte

Solar Panels: Do They Work in Cloudy Weather and During the Winter Months?

This is by far one of the most frequently asked questions by future owners of photovoltaic solar systems. It is normal for the French to wonder if solar panels produce energy in winter.

How long the solar panels Do they continue to produce energy when temperatures drop and the skies darken? Especially in a country like France, where winter lasts only three months, but can feel like four or five. However, rest assured, this is just a popular myth that solar cells are inefficient in winter. Solar energy remains a renewable, reliable and resilient energy source even in winter.

Let's take a quick look at how solar cells work, and then how they are affected by the change of seasons.

How do solar cells work?

solar cells

It is necessary to understand how the solar cells to understand why they can work even during the winter months, or even on rainy days. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, which are active components, often made of silicon, and are used to convert light into electricity .

These photovoltaic cells contain mobile electrons which produce electrical energy when set in motion by particles of light called photons. The electric current thus generated can be used for many purposes.

If you're curious to learn more about the different solar panel technologies, it's all in our blog post .

Do solar panels work well in cold weather?

As we saw above, solar panels use the sunlight rather than its heat to produce electricity. Solar cells, like most electrical equipment, work better when the temperature is lower (they convert light better). This may seem contradictory, but excessive heat reduces the instantaneous efficiency of the cells. For the same duration, a cool, sunny day will produce more energy from solar cells than a hot, sunny day!

Do solar panels produce green energy in winter?

Solar panels work well during the winter months . The main factor to consider during this period is that winter days have fewer hours of sunlight than summer days. But you can be sure that your solar photovoltaic installation will not stop, because it only depends on light.

Despite this, the months that generate the best energy yield are between March and October, that is, the non-winter months. Because the weather is less often overcast and the days are longer.

How does snow affect solar panels?

solar panel and snow

Snow is a potential drawback for solar panels that can occur when the temperature is unusually cold. Until the snow is cleared, the sun's rays will not reach the solar cells due to the thick layer of snow covering them.

However, because of the flat surface, a small amount of snow will melt and slide off quickly as the surface warms. Snow clings less to solar panels than it would to other materials because solar panels are angled, smooth, and usually well oriented toward the sun, allowing the snow to melt more quickly.

In a climate like France's, heavy snow remains a rare event and should not have a significant impact on solar energy production.

Conventional solar panels are usually approved for installations up to 1000m above sea level. Beyond that, heavy snow cover can damage the panels due to the weight they represent. It is then recommended to opt for more robust panels such as bi-glass panels. While the back of the panels is often made of a composite of various plastic layers, bi-glass panels have a glass back side similar to the front side, which gives them increased mechanical robustness.

Do solar panels work when the weather is cloudy and rainy?

French weather can be unpredictable…and sometimes the benefits of lower temperatures can be offset by the fact that there is less sunlight available during the winter months.

On cloudy days, the amount of solar energy produced will vary depending on the density of the clouds. Solar panels will receive less solar radiation if the clouds are dense. Even on less clear and sunny days, solar cells can still produce a surprising amount of electricity . In particular, it may be surprising to note that instantaneous power records of an installation are observed on days with cloudy passages in a blue sky, the edges of the clouds can then act as concentrators of the sun's rays.

Finally, the solar cells work by capturing direct or diffuse light. While natural light is solar energy that travels directly from the sun to the ground, diffuse light has been scattered by particles in the atmosphere, such as rain clouds, before reaching the earth. It is also reflected by the surrounding environment or the ground: this is called albedo. For example, reflection on snow induces significant production: tests on cable cars equipped with solar panels under the cabins have, for example, shown record production in winter from the underside.

Solar energy: winter and summer savings

In winter, you probably consume more energy than your panels produce. But you compensate for this in summer, when you need less energy than you produce and you value this excess energy by selling it. Your electricity meter (including the smart meter) tracks your consumption throughout the year. You will naturally see the difference on your annual statement. To maximize the return on investment, it is recommended to adapt the size of the solar panel installation to your annual consumption.

To customize your tailor-made kit, go to

In summary, solar panels work on cloudy days and during the winter months!

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