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Article: Oscaro Power breaks the codes and develops its surplus purchasing offer Ensemble

Oscaro Power casse les codes et fait évoluer son offre d’achat de surplus Ensemble - Oscaro Power
Actus Oscaro Power

Oscaro Power breaks the codes and develops its surplus purchasing offer Ensemble

The offer to purchase surplus electricity Together in partnership with JPME evolves to always correspond more to the needs of consumers! It can be found on . From now on, don't hesitate to install as many solar panels as possible, because selling surplus is very profitable!

The offer Together was born from a desire to help the French to face the galloping inflation of energy prices. In an effort to offer a complete offer , the solution includes support for all administrative procedures inherent to solar projects.

Together is a complete offer: economic, social and environmental profitability, nothing is left to chance! An offer for your Oscaro Power solar system, while sharing your surplus electricity with the public network.

What is the Ensemble JPME offer?

With Together , Oscaro Power wants to give purchasing power to the French. This offer exclusive allows excess solar production to be sold at the rate of 14 cents/kWh, compared to 10 cents with EDF OA , without having to change electricity supplier! This rate is indexed to market prices, if the price increases, we increase this rate, if prices decrease, we lower this rate.

Even in self-consumption , you will sometimes produce more than you consume. This is even inevitable if you want to cover a significant portion of your consumption with self-produced electricity. The limit of the injected power is set by ENEDIS at 6 kVA per phase. The only limit is that of your connection to the network (6 kVA in single-phase). We advise you to put the maximum solar power. This will allow you to cover a significant portion of your needs even in winter while not being penalized in summer by a sale of surplus at a very advantageous rate.

There are many Surplus Purchase Offers that exist and are generally presented as “ virtual batteries ”. This means that the Company to which you sell your surplus requires you to become a customer. With our Together by Oscaro Power and JPME offer, you remain free to choose your supplier!

In conclusion, with the offer Together , you are free to make your own choices! This way, you can optimize your supply according to your own ethical and economic criteria.

What does the Oscaro Power Surplus Sales Package include?

The pack Together includes the entirety administrative procedures .

  • Prior request for work at the town hall (optional)
  • The request and signing of the network access and operating connection contract with ENEDIS (for systems less than or equal to 9 kWc)
  • Electrical conformity certificate by Consuel
  • Subscription to the surplus sales contract with JPME

This proposal only applies to kits marketed by Oscaro Power (preconfigured kit, kit created with the help of the Oscaro Power configurator or recommended by one of the Oscaro Power experts). Please note outside the ENEDIS network This offer may not be valid.

See the offer Together

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