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Article: What is green energy?

Qu’est-ce que l’énergie verte ? - Oscaro Power
Énergie verte

What is green energy?

Green energy or green electricity must be renewable and clean. It is a type of energy generated from natural assets like the sunlight , water or the wind . They are infinite and natural entities, so the energy generated does not emit greenhouse gases during its exploitation and does not harm the environment.

Oscaro Power uses green energy as an excellent solution for more sustainable electricity consumption.

How does green energy help the environment?

green energy environment

Green energy is important for the environment for multiple reasons.

It replaces fossil fuels and their harmful effects with alternative resources such as wind, water and sunlight. These resources are clean, renewable and more environmentally friendly. Even over its full life cycle, green energy emits only a very small amount of greenhouse gases.

Green energy also brings more economic value since it is produced locally. In addition, geographical crises or supply chain disruptions have little impact on it in the sense that primary energy (the sun) is present in all territories.

There are also economic benefits , including job creation.

With energy production being provided by decentralized sources such as wind and solar, the energy infrastructure is more resilient and less dependent on centralized sources.

Green energy thus represents a low-cost solution for the energy needs of different regions of the world.

How many types of green energy are there?

There are several types of green energy that come from different natural sources:

Solar energy

As the name suggests, solar energy is a clean source of energy. which comes directly from the sun.

A large amount of energy is emitted and reaches us through solar radiation. We can then collect it and convert it into usable electrical energy.

A solar system Oscaro Power may be the best choice if you want to save money and switch to green energy. On the other hand, a photovoltaic system is the most common way to harvest solar energy. When sunlight hits the cells, they generate an electric current through the photoelectric effect. The generated current then passes through an inverter that converts it into alternating current. From there, it can be used to power your home with electricity.

Wind energy

wind energy

Another one important energy source is wind energy, powered by the sun. Since winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere, the sun is responsible for producing wind energy.

However, the topology of our planet, its rotation and the way in which all living species gravitate around the sun have an impact on this irregularity. In addition, winds are modulated by the surface they cross, whether it is water or land. This energy does not generate carbon dioxide and does not emit any harmful products that have a negative impact on human health, such as acid rain, smog or other gases that trap heat. ♨️

Hydroelectric power

hydroelectric energy

Hydroelectric power is generated by capturing the energy of flowing water. Experts force water to flow through a narrow space, thereby increasing the energy per square meter. Typically, in this process, water is stored in a dam or reservoir and selectively drained by opening an intake.💧

Hydroelectricity is one of the forms of green energy the most popular and efficient. This energy is very versatile and can be produced by both large-scale and small-scale projects. This energy does not emit pollution during its lifetime.


THE biogas is made from waste and is another great source of green energy. It is produced as a byproduct of the decomposition of organic matter and comes from materials such as food, sewage, manure, agricultural waste, etc.

These materials are stored in a container where oxygen cannot penetrate. They then ferment and produce carbon dioxide, methane and other gases. The methane is then used to power vehicles, generate electricity, heat homes, etc. Similarly, the waste is placed in a biogas digester and is transformed into rich fertilizers and nutrients for domestic and agricultural uses.


Biomass, like biogas, is a clean energy source generated by recent living organisms and plants. They both contain energy that they obtain from the sun. Although the combustion of these materials emits greenhouse gases, these emissions remain neutral from the moment we plant as many trees as we cut down to produce energy.

There biomass Solar can be used in various ways in our daily life. Its use is not limited to personal consumption, businesses can also benefit from this energy source. However, adopting the best solar products for home can help you save on limited energy sources as well as your electricity bills. And consuming more green energy in your daily life can improve our planet in the long run.

Is there a difference between green energy and renewable energy?

Although the terms “ green energy ” and “ renewable energy ” are often used interchangeably, there are slight differences between the two.

The first refers to natural sources like the sun, while the second corresponds more to sources that are constantly replenished like solar, wind, hydraulic energy, etc.

Green energy is actually a subset of renewable energy and includes resources that are most beneficial to the environment . Green energy is actually a subset of renewable energy and includes resources that provide the most benefits to the environment.

Oscaro Power is a leading supplier of multiple eco-friendly solar energy products. Saving the earth with smart products that use eco-friendly energy resources is precisely our goal.

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