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Article: How many solar panels for a 120m2 house?

Panneau solaire pour 120m2

How many solar panels for a 120m2 house?

With the rise of renewable energy, more and more homeowners are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their electricity bill. Among the available solutions, installing solar panels stands out as one of the most efficient and sustainable. But how many solar panels are needed for a 120m² house? This question is crucial to maximize the performance of your solar installation and ensure optimal autonomy.

Solar energy not only provides a clean alternative to traditional energy sources ; it also transforms our homes into miniature power plants . Imagine a house that not only consumes electricity, but also produces it! It is this promise of self-consumption and sustainability that we will explore.

In this article, we will discuss why solar panels are a great option for a 120m² home, analyze the typical consumption of this type of residence, and identify the essential elements to calculate the number of panels needed. We will also guide you through the different steps to determine how many solar panels are required for your home, while evaluating the return on investment of your solar installation. Get ready to discover how to transform your home into a model of efficiency and environmental sustainability!

Why choose solar panels on a 120m2 house?

Self-installation of solar panels

120m² homes often have high consumption. With a larger than average surface area, these homes are often equipped with energy-intensive appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers and air conditioning or heating systems. In addition, lighting and hot water requirements increase with the size of the home. These factors contribute to high consumption, making it crucial to optimize efficiency to reduce costs and carbon footprint.

Installing solar panels on a 120m² house has many advantages. First of all, it is an ecological decision that contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By using solar energy, you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels, which is a significant gesture for the planet.

In addition, solar installation allows you to make substantial savings on your electricity bills. By producing your own electricity, you reduce your consumption on the public grid, which results in lower bills. Self-consumption is not only economical, but it also protects you against future increases in energy prices.

Another important benefit is the increase in the value of your property . A home equipped with solar panels is more attractive to potential buyers because it promises reduced costs and a commitment to sustainability.

Finally, technological advances and government incentives are making solar panel installation more accessible than ever. With flexible financing options and tax credits, switching to solar energy is a wise long-term investment. Making solar accessible to everyone is our priority at Oscaro Power , which is why we offer you do-it-yourself solar kits, a huge saving on your investment. Opting for solar panels on your 120m² house is therefore a decision that combines economic, ecological and heritage benefits.

The average energy consumption of a 120m2 house?

Understanding the average consumption of a 120m² house is essential to determine the number of solar panels needed. In general, a house of this size can have a significant electricity consumption due to various factors.

Household appliances are among the largest consumers of electricity. Refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, as well as kitchen appliances such as electric stoves and ovens, often operate daily and consume a significant amount of energy. In addition to this, heating and air conditioning systems, which are essential for maintaining thermal comfort throughout the year, account for a considerable share of electricity consumption.

On average, a 120m² house can consume between 8,000 and 12,000 kWh per year . This range varies depending on many factors such as the number of people living in the household, consumption habits, the efficiency of the appliances used, and local climate conditions. For a larger house, check out our article on how many solar panels for a 200m2 house .

To get an accurate estimate of your own consumption, it is important to consult your electricity bills . These documents provide detailed information on your annual consumption in kWh. You can also use online tools or dedicated applications that analyze your consumption according to your devices and habits. Some energy suppliers even offer tracking tools to help you understand your usage and identify savings opportunities.

Using this data, you can adjust your solar installation project to match your energy needs exactly. By producing your own energy from solar panels, you can cover a large part, if not all, of your annual energy needs. This means that you will be less dependent on the electricity grid and can save substantially on your electricity bills.

Installing solar panels that are appropriate for your home's consumption not only reduces costs, but also contributes to a more sustainable and responsible use of natural resources. Before determining how many panels you should install, let's look at the elements to consider when calculating the number of panels needed.

Energy consumption and power of solar panels in kWc

To properly size your solar PV system, it is essential to understand the relationship between your home's energy consumption and the solar panel output , expressed in kilowatt-peak (kWp). Solar PV panels convert solar energy into electricity, and their output is measured in kWp, indicating the maximum possible production under ideal conditions.

To determine the number of solar PV panels needed, divide your annual consumption in kWh by the annual production of a panel in kWh . For example, a 300 Wp (0.3 kWp) solar PV panel produces approximately 300 kWh per year. If your home consumes 10,000 kWh per year, you will need 34 panels (10,000 kWh ÷ 300 kWh per panel).

Don't forget to add a safety margin for efficiency losses and variations in sunlight. Thus, to cover a consumption of 10,000 kWh, installing approximately 41 300 Wp photovoltaic solar panels will ensure adequate and reliable energy production.

Factors to consider when calculating the number of panels needed

Solar panel number

When determining how many solar panels are needed for a 120m² home, it is essential to look at several key elements in order to optimize your solar installation. Here are the main factors to consider when calculating the ideal number of solar panels:

1. Annual energy consumption

Knowing your annual electricity consumption is fundamental. A 120m² house can have a significant consumption, generally between 8,000 and 12,000 kWh per year . This data is available on your electricity bills or via consumption monitoring tools. You need to know how many kWh you use each year to correctly size your solar panel system. Using this information, you can estimate how many panels are needed to cover your energy needs while avoiding undersizing that could lead to insufficient energy production.

2. The power of solar panels

The power of a solar panel is measured in peak watts (Wp). Solar panels available on the market typically range from 250 to 450 Wp. To calculate the number of solar panels needed, you need to know the power of each panel you plan to install . Typically, a 300 Wp solar panel can produce around 300 kWh per year, depending on the sunlight and installation conditions. By choosing high-power panels, you can reduce the total number needed to meet your energy goals, optimizing the space available on your roof.

3. The sunshine in your area

The amount of solar energy available in your area depends on the average sunshine . You need to evaluate the number of hours of sunshine per day, usually expressed in peak solar hours. This data directly influences the electricity production of your solar panels. Areas with high sunshine allow for higher energy production, which can reduce the number of panels needed. You can get this information through specialized sites or local climate data, and even consult solar maps that show the variations in sunshine in different areas.

4. The orientation and inclination of the panels

To maximize solar energy production, the orientation and tilt of the solar panels must be optimized . The panels should ideally be oriented towards the south to capture maximum sunlight throughout the day. The tilt of the panels must also be adjusted according to your latitude to maximize exposure to the sun . Correct orientation and tilt guarantee more efficient energy production. Do not hesitate to configure your solar kit directly on our online configurator which takes into account all its elements.

5. Shadows and obstacles

Shadows cast by trees, buildings, or other obstructions can significantly reduce the efficiency of your solar panels. It’s important to evaluate the location of your solar installation to minimize shadows and maximize sun exposure. Conducting a solar audit can help identify these factors and optimize panel layout. Strategic placement can reduce efficiency losses and improve the overall performance of your system . Also consider using microinverters or power optimizers to maximize energy production even in partial shade.

6. Efficiency yields and losses

Solar panel efficiency is a key consideration when making your purchase. Not all solar systems are perfect, and it’s important to consider efficiency losses due to energy conversion , temperature variations , and dust accumulating on the panels . Efficiency losses can also be due to natural degradation of solar panels over time . In general, it’s a good idea to build in a margin to compensate for these losses and ensure that your system adequately covers your energy needs. This approach ensures that your solar system remains efficient despite environmental and operational factors.

By taking these elements into account, you can determine precisely how many solar panels are needed for a 120m² house. Analyzing your consumption and the specific characteristics of your installation helps ensure that you get an optimal solution.

How many solar panels for a 120m2 house?

To determine the exact number of solar panels needed for a 120m² house, it is crucial to make an accurate calculation taking into account several factors . Here is a detailed guide to help you estimate the number of solar panels you will need:

1. Calculation based on energy consumption

To begin with, it is important to know the annual electricity consumption of your home. A 120m² house generally has an average consumption of around 10,000 kWh per year . This value can vary depending on the equipment used and consumption habits.

Next, you need to know the wattage of each solar panel . Solar panels available today typically range from 250 to 400 watts peak (Wp). For this example, we will use a 300 Wp solar panel.

A 300 Wp solar panel produces on average about 300 kWh of energy per year, although this figure can vary depending on the sunshine and installation conditions. By dividing your annual consumption of 10,000 kWh by the annual production of a 300 kWh panel, you get about 34 solar panels needed to fully cover your consumption.

2. Adjustment for efficiency losses

It is essential to adjust this initial calculation to account for potential efficiency losses . These losses can be caused by several factors, such as shadows cast by trees or buildings, temperature variations, and dust accumulation on the panels. In general, it is recommended to add a 20% safety margin to compensate for these losses .

To adjust the number of panels needed:

  • Multiply the 34 panels by 1.20 to account for these efficiency losses.
  • The result is approximately 41 solar panels.

This figure takes into account an extra margin to ensure your solar system performs optimally even in less than ideal conditions.

3. Take into account sunshine

The average amount of sunshine in your area plays a crucial role in how much energy your solar panels produce. The number of hours of sunshine per day influences how much energy your panels can produce. Areas with more sunshine will produce more energy, which may allow you to slightly reduce the number of panels you need.

On the other hand, if you live in an area with limited sunlight, you may need more panels to achieve the same energy production. You can check solar maps or online tools to get specific information about the sunlight in your area.

4. Practical considerations

It is also important to check the space available for the solar installation on your roof or on the planned site . Make sure that the roof can accommodate the calculated number of panels while allowing for optimal orientation and tilt. Solar panels should be oriented towards the south to maximize exposure to the sun. The tilt should be adjusted according to your latitude to optimize energy production.

Additionally, check local regulations and possible restrictions regarding solar installations. Some areas may have specific regulations on the type or number of solar panels allowed. It is essential to comply with these regulations to avoid potential complications.

For a 120m² house with an annual consumption of 10,000 kWh, you will probably need to install around 41 x 300 Wp solar panels to meet your energy needs. This calculation takes into account efficiency losses and possible variations due to sunlight. This estimate gives you a solid basis for planning your solar installation and ensuring adequate coverage of your energy needs. Let's now move on to assessing the return on investment of your project to explore the long-term financial benefits.

The return on investment of a solar installation for a 120m2 house?

Solar panel investment

When considering investing in a solar installation for a 120m² home, assessing the return on investment is crucial to understanding the financial benefits of your project. Here is a detailed analysis of what you need to consider when assessing the return on investment of your solar panel installation.

1. Initial cost of installation

The first factor to consider is the initial cost of installing solar panels. The price of solar panels can vary depending on their power, the quality of the panels, and the installation costs. In general, the cost of installing a solar system can be between 8,000 and 15,000 euros for a 120m² house, depending on the number of solar panels needed and the specifics of the installation. Don't panic, installation is one of the most important costs, which is why, at Oscaro Power, we have designed plug and play solar kits that allow you to install your system yourself while saving considerably!

2. Savings on electricity bills

One of the main benefits of a solar installation is the reduction of your electricity bills. By producing your own energy, you can reduce or even eliminate your dependence on the electricity grid. Depending on your consumption and the energy production of your solar panels, you can save between 500 and 1,500 euros per year on your electricity bills. These savings vary depending on your consumption, local electricity rates, and the amount of energy you can self-consume. At Oscaro Power, our customers save an average of 50% on their electricity bill!

3. Depreciation and system life

The payback period for a solar installation related to the profitability of solar panels is the time it takes for the savings on your electricity bills to cover the initial cost of the installation. Typically, the payback period for a solar installation is between 5 and 10 years , depending on the initial cost, the savings made, and any subsidies obtained. The lifespan of solar panels is approximately 25 to 30 years , which means that you will benefit from free energy production for many years after your investment has been amortized.

4. Increased home value

Another important consideration is the impact of solar installation on the value of your home . Solar panels can increase the value of your property, making your home more attractive to potential buyers who are interested in energy savings and sustainability. According to studies, adding a solar system can increase the value of your property by an average of 3 to 5 percent . This aspect can help offset the initial cost of installation and improve the overall return on your investment.

If you have a larger house, don't hesitate to read our article on how many solar panels for a 150m2 house .

5. Environmental impact and sustainability

In addition to the financial aspects, installing solar helps reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your dependence on fossil fuels . By producing solar energy, you are helping to combat climate change and promote a transition to cleaner energy. This aspect can also be a significant motivator for environmentally conscious homeowners.

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