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Article: What is a 5000W solar installation?

Batterie 5000W

What is a 5000W solar installation?

A 5000W, or 5 kW, solar system is designed to produce a significant amount of solar energy, equivalent to approximately 5000 watts of power . This type of system is ideal for homes with moderate to high energy costs, or for commercial and industrial applications. With this amount of power, you can expect to cover most, if not all, of your electricity needs, depending on the size of your system and your daily electricity costs.

5000W solar panels are usually made up of several photovoltaic modules connected in series or parallel in order to achieve this power. They are often accompanied by an inverter in order to convert the direct current (DC) produced by the panels into alternating current (AC), usable in your home.

What types of batteries for this power?

In order to store the energy generated by a 5000W solar panel, you will need a suitable battery . Choosing your solar battery is important; here are the main options available:

Lead-acid batteries

Lead-acid batteries are the most traditional and least expensive option . They come in two types: flooded and sealed. Flooded batteries require regular maintenance, such as water level, while sealed batteries are maintenance-free. They are robust and can withstand many charge cycles, but their lifespan is generally limited to around 5 years . This makes them more suitable for installations with a tighter budget.

Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are more modern and offer several advantages over lead-acid batteries . They have a longer lifespan , often over 10 years, and require little or no maintenance . Their energy density is higher, making them more compact and lightweight. However, they are more expensive, but their cost can be offset by their durability and efficiency.

How to choose the right battery for your needs?

Choosing the right battery for your 5000W solar installation involves several considerations:

  1. Daily energy consumption : Evaluate your daily kWh expenditure to determine the size of battery you need. For example, if you consume 10 kilowatt hours per day, your battery must be able to store enough energy to meet this demand.
  2. Desired autonomy : Determine how many days you want to be able to use the stored energy without solar production, such as on cloudy days. This independence directly influences the required storage capacity.
  3. Maximum recommended discharge rate : Check the manufacturer's technical specifications for the maximum recommended discharge rate. Overdischarging may reduce battery life.

What capacity is needed for a 5000 Watt battery?

photovoltaic panel

To determine the storage volume required for a battery system, the formula can be expressed in words as:

The storage amount (in kilowatt hours) is equal to the daily expenditure (in kilowatt hours) multiplied by the desired independence (in days), all divided by the maximum discharge rate (in percentage).

For example, if you have a daily consumption of 10 kilowatt hours, you want 3 days of independence, and your battery has a recommended maximum discharge rate of 80%, the necessary storage capacity would be calculated as follows:

The storage amount is equal to 10 kilowatt hours multiplied by 3, divided by 0.8, which gives 37.5 kilowatt hours.

This means you will need to choose a battery or battery combination that offers at least 37.5 kilowatt-hours of storage volume.

The cost of a battery for a 5000W solar installation

Solar installation

Battery prices vary greatly depending on the type of solar panel battery and capacity . Lead-acid batteries are generally less expensive, but their shorter lifespan can mean more frequent replacement costs. Lithium-ion batteries, while more expensive to purchase, can offer long-term savings due to their durability and low maintenance.

Here is a rough estimate of the costs:

  • Lead-acid batteries : Around €100 to €300 per kilowatt-hour.
  • Lithium-ion batteries : Around €500 to €800 per kilowatt-hour.

For a battery with a capacity of 37.5 kWh, the total cost can vary from €3,750 to €30,000, depending on the battery model chosen.

Choosing the right battery for your 5000W solar panel requires taking into account energy consumption, desired independence, battery category, and budget. By making informed choices, you can optimize the performance of your photovoltaic system and ensure reliable and sustainable energy independence.

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